10 Signs You Need Minnesota Gambling Addiction Treatment

A gambling addiction is extremely difficult for a person to overcome without the help of a trained addiction specialist. Failure to seek timely professional treatment can result in the loss of employment and housing, and can severely affect relationships with loved ones. Below are ten signs that you may need gambling addiction treatment.

1) Gambling is interfering with employment.

Missing work to gamble or gambling online during work hours suggests that gambling is an issue. Job loss can be a natural result of gambling during work.

2) Inability to stop gambling.

Some people have a difficult time ending their gambling habits, no matter how hard they try. If you have tried repeatedly to stop gambling without success, you will likely require professional treatment to stop gambling.

3) Relationships are suffering because of gambling habits.

If you notice that your relationships are deteriorating because of your gambling, you should seek professional help. Signs of trouble include fights with loved ones over gambling losses and relationship troubles that result from a growing detachment from close relationships.

4) Gambling with money that is needed for basic living expenses.

Problem gambling can include gaming with money earmarked for food, housing, or utilities.

5) Friends and family members have expressed concerns about gambling.

If loved ones have told you that they are worried that you might have a gambling problem, you should explore treatment possibilities.

6) Gambling habits are taking a priority over other hobbies or interests.

Problem gambling can often lead to putting gambling ahead of family activities, hobbies, or other past interests. If you find that you no longer participate in activities that you used to enjoy because you are focused on gambling, seeking professional help is a good idea.

7) Spending increasingly large amounts of money on gambling.

People who are addicted to gambling often gamble with increasingly large sums of money. Part of this tendency relates to the need to engage in increasingly risky behaviors to experience the same high that they once experienced when gambling with smaller amounts of money.

8) Doing anything to find money to gamble.

When the urge to gamble takes over a person’s life, they may ultimately resort to tactics that are counterproductive or illegal to find gambling money.

9) Overcompensating for losses by gambling more.

People with a gambling problem will often continue to gamble even after suffering devastating losses. They often rationalize their gambling by telling themselves that gambling is the only way they can get their money back.

10) Loss of control.

When a person feels like they can’t control their gambling or their life has become unmanageable, a person will likely benefit from seeking professional help.

How to Gain Control Over Gambling Addiction

The best way to conquer gambling addiction is to seek the support of a top gambling addiction treatment center. If you or a loved one exhibit any or all of the behaviors above, you should seek the support of a professional addiction treatment specialist. Please contact us to learn how we can help you overcome your gambling addiction. We look forward to hearing from you.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. It does not substitute for clinical treatment or advice. If you, a friend, or a family member is struggling with mental health and/or addiction issues please call our main office at 952-926-2526. For emergencies, go to your nearest emergency room and/or dial 911.