Assessments for Substance Use Issues and Addiction in Minnesota

It’s clear, the statistics related to addiction and substance use disorders are alarming.

  1. Every year substance abuse costs the Minnesota economy $5.06 billion. This amounts to more than $975 a year for every person in the state.
  2. There are at least 1,150 alcohol-attributed deaths in Minnesota in a typical year.
  3. Estimates are that ten percent of the population of Minnesota meet the criteria for a substance use disorder, but only one percent of the population actually receive that diagnosis.

There is some good news, however.

Data from Minnesota indicates that those who enter treatment generally complete the treatment and show improvement in better housing, better employment, reduction in criminal behavior and ongoing participation in self-help communities. Studies in Minnesota support the general consensus that the effects of treatment are lasting [Drug and Alcohol and Abuse in Minnesota: a Biennial Report–, pdf].

Rule 25 Assessment.

So how does the treatment process start?

The first step in the treatment process is contacting a licensed provider and scheduling a Rule 25 assessment.

A Rule 25 assessment is used to determine how much risk a person faces from alcohol and drug abuse.  Under Rule 25, an assessor gathers information about an individual to decide two major things:

  • If treatment is needed.
  • What kind of treatment would be most beneficial.

The Rule 25 Assessment is a structured interview that includes questions on major areas of life.

Questions include:

  1. What happened that brought you here today?
  2. What is the recent pattern of your substance use been like?
  3. Have you been experiencing any withdrawal symptoms?
  4. Do you have any health/medical issues or concerns?

Who Is Assessed?

  1. Anyone who believes they might have an issue with substance use.
  2. Anyone who has been referred for a Rule 25 assessment by a third party (medical provider, mental health provider, legal system, work, etc.).
  3. A person who’s loved ones have encouraged them to get an assessment.

Club Recovery is a leading Minneapolis-area outpatient drug and alcohol addiction treatment center, in continuous local operation since 1998. Our  licensed alcohol and drug counselors have successfully treated thousands of Minneapolis-area residents. Please contact us to learn more.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. It does not substitute for clinical treatment or advice. If you, a friend, or a family member is struggling with mental health and/or addiction issues please call our main office at 952-926-2526. For emergencies, go to your nearest emergency room and/or dial 911.