Knowing the Best Drug Rehabilitation Options for You in Minnesota

The process of rehabilitation from an addiction is different for everyone. What you need depends on a range of variables, from your physiology to your personal beliefs. Because of this, finding the right methods and supportive community is vital to recovering successfully. There are dozens of treatment centers available in Minnesota, so how do you know which is the best drug rehabilitation center for you? The answer lies in a combination of services and proximity. You should seek a center that provides the kind of recovery environment and guidance you need near enough that you can seek support from your new community when you need it most.

Inpatient or Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Options

How much support do you need to walk away from your addiction? Some people have to get completely away from the environment and behaviors they had while addicted in order to start a new sober life. A few weeks of inpatient treatment can help to completely break away from old habits and form healthy new behaviors.

Outpatient treatment, on the other hand, is for everyone that needs guidance and support, but is ready to rebuild their current lives. Many people who join an outpatient community have either already gone through the break-away process or have jobs and families they don’t want to leave behind. These supportive points of stability can help and are a valuable aspect of outpatient recovery. Choosing your treatment center depends on how much help you need to rebuild a healthy life, and it’s likely you will choose to be a part of an outpatient community for support after inpatient care.

Individual, Group, and Family Therapy

How do you want to seek support? Most treatment centers offer multiple forms of therapy and support, but it can help to know what each center you’re considering offers and compare it to what you’re looking for. Some people are very independent or private and would prefer to work primarily with an individual therapist, however, most people are best supported in a recovery group with friends who understand their struggles and are also dedicated to staying sober. Many are very close to their families and want them to be a close part of the recovery process. Family therapy sessions can help your family deal with the emotional aftermath of addiction as you work together build a healthy, sober home life.

According To Your Personal Beliefs

Your recovery process is a very personal journey, but so too is your faith. Those with strong beliefs can benefit from turning to them for strength during recovery by seeking guidance from their priest or support from their church community, but this approach is not for everyone. If you’d prefer to recover without involving your feelings about a higher power, it’s important to understand the difference between 12 step programs and contemporary recovery communities, and choose the one that’s right for you.

One of the most important things to consider is vicinity to your home, especially when seeking a recovery community. If you live in Minnesota, one of your best drug rehabilitation options is with Club Recovery, a supportive outpatient center. Each recovery plan is designed by our professional counselors, who are available days, nights, and weekends. Treatment options include individual and group therapy, and you can choose from same gender or mixed support groups depending on what you’re most comfortable with. You can even bring your family in for shared sessions with your counselor to include them in the benefits of your recovery program and start rebuilding your life. It’s time to get control over your addiction and seek the right recovery solution for you. For more information or to schedule an introductory assessment with Club Recovery, contact us today. We know that starting right away is important and promise to schedule you within 24 hours.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. It does not substitute for clinical treatment or advice. If you, a friend, or a family member is struggling with mental health and/or addiction issues please call our main office at 952-926-2526. For emergencies, go to your nearest emergency room and/or dial 911.